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Michael Kraske

Michael Kraske

Reviewers Choice Award – EV Reference ONE | REVIEW

Part Time Audiophile - Reviewers Choice Award - Credo EV Reference ONE
After a short listen to the Credo EV Reference One driven by some stunning Meitner electronics, I was down for a review. The speakers sounded great and it was clear to me, from talking to Michael, that he knows more than a thing or two about speaker design. Dave McNair - parttimeaudiophile.com

SPL Performer s1200 Power Amplifier | REVIEW

Review SPL Performer s1200
The finest speaker match I found, however, was with the next pair of two-way monitors to grace my listening room—the Credo EV 350 Reference monitors. I don’t want to give away too much about the Credos yet. Most audiophile bookshelf speakers must sound “big for their size” in order to compete in today’s marketplace, a point I’ve made repeatedly, but the EV 350s blow that distribution curve to bits. Marc Phillips - SPL Performer s1200 review

Stereophile – EV 1202 Ref.

Stereophile - EV 1202 Ref.
John McGurk's Audioshield distribution, together with Johnathan Ellis's Audio Chamber of Murrieta, CA, featured a system that delivered fine, clear, all-of-a-piece sound that brought a smile to my eyes and happiness to my heart. Jason Victor Serinus | Jun 15, 2022