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Best Tower Loudspeakers [Buyers Guide 2024]

We're excited to share that Part-Time Audiophile has named three of our tower speakers in their 2024 Buyers Guide [Best Tower Loudspeaker]. This honor highlights our dedication to top-notch sound quality and design. Discover why our speakers are making waves in the audio world!

Credo Audio’s Tower Speakers Win Big in 2024!

We’re excited to share that Part-Time Audiophile has named three of our tower speakers in their 2024 Buyers Guide. This honor highlights our dedication to top-notch sound quality and design. Discover why our speakers are making waves in the audio world!

pta parttimeaudiophile

Credo EV 1202 Reference ($16,995 pr USD)

The Credo EV 1202 Reference isn’t that big line-array speaker on the left, but the smaller speaker on the right that tricked us into thinking we were hearing the big line-array speaker on the left. After additional seat time at the factory in Switzerland, we determined that the EV 1202s were so “in the zone” that we begged to review them (which is happening). A quietly extraordinary transducer, one of 2024’s best tower loudspeakers.

Marc Phillips

pta parttimeaudiophile

Credo EV Reference ONE ($35,000 pr USD)

Sporting a utilitarian/professional look, which we still found attractive, the EV Reference One from Credo of Switzerland offered “lots of detail and texture, accompanied by a slammin’ low end and pinpoint imaging.” We found it confident and precise, and a superb transducer for string orchestras in particular. Reviewers Choice award winner.

Dave McNair

pta parttimeaudiophile

Credo Cinema LTM ($200,000 pr USD)

We’ve heard the LTM line-array speakers on numerous occasions, at both high-end audio shows and at the factory in Basel, Switzerland, and we’ve convinced it needs to be included in the discussion of 2024’s best tower loudspeakers. Designer Michael Kraske has devoted a great deal of attention to maximizing the advantages of line arrays, and the LTM is one of the most coherent “big” speakers you’ll hear.

PTA Editorial Staff