"Look closely, and you’ll see that precise Swiss approach to audio. Listen closely, and you’ll be as drunk on the sound as I am." - Marc Phillips, Parttimeaudiophile
The "Best Sound of Show" at AXPONA 2024
"If we want to get into the whole sound of the show then I think this room hit that spot for me at AXPONA 2024."
Looking for that next level of inner detail, nuance, and connection to the music? This system delivered that and more. I could have sat and listened to this system all day.
In Room 730, the seamless integration of these components delivered an immersive and enchanting musical experience, solidifying its place among the standout rooms at Capital Audiofest 2023.
📢 Calling all audio enthusiasts! Room 730 is your gateway to a world of extraordinary sound at Capital Audiofest 2023. Join us for an unforgettable audio experience featuring Credo Audio, LTA, Van den Hul, and Meitner Audio. 🎵✨
Michael Fremer, reporting for "The Absolute Sound" and "The Tracking Angle", published parts of this event in his "AXPONA Show Report". You'll see the introduction by John McGurk (AudioShield Distribution, Michael Kraske (Credo Audio), and the presentation by Amadeus Meitner (EMM Labs and Meitner Audio).
Show report CAF 2022 - Credo Audio and Linear Tube Audio. With a total of 90 rooms packed with all types of Hifi Gear, there was a lot to check out and listen to.